- iAdapt Navigation uses a full suite of sensors to navigate and adapt to your changing home
- 3-Stage Cleaning System agitates, brushes and suctions floors
- Conveniently schedule up to 7x per week, or just press CLEAN on the robot
- Automatically docks and recharges
- Automatically adjusts to all floor types - carpet, tile, hardwood, laminate & more
The Roomba 650 Vacuum Cleaning Robot provides a thorough clean, all at the push of a button. The patented, 3-Stage Cleaning System easily picks up dust, pet hair and large debris like cereal. Preset Roomba to clean when it’s convenient for you, so you can keep up with everyday mess. Roomba works on all floor types, and at just 3.6 inch tall, is specifically designed to fit under most furniture, beds and kickboards.

By Jack V. Briner
We just got our iRobot Roomba 650 Vacuum Cleaning Robot for Pets. It was simple to setup and charged in about two hours. We have run it once downstairs and upstairs.
The plan is to run it during the day upstairs and to run it at night downstairs. The first problem we noted is that the schedule only seems to allow one time per day. This is ok since we have to carry it upstairs for the day runs. So, we just start it as we live in the morning. When we return, we put on the charger and let it clean at 2AM downstairs.
The upstairs (approx. 1000 sqft) is a combination of wood floors, tile in the bathrooms, scatter rugs (bath style and oriental). Roomba did a good job covering an awkward area. We captured a full bin of hair from the dogs. The only problem is that it got caught in the toilet area after it managed to close the door on itself. It found out that it was too short to reach the handle to reopen the door. Roomba was able to clean under the bed and sofa. However, it was unable to get under the night stands and dressers. This was unfortunate because the floor and fur is still very visible. (We will have to consider replacing the furniture that we bought a month ago. I can see it is going to be a pain to clean under whether we have Roomba or not).
The downstairs (approx. 800 sqft) is all tile with scatter rugs (bath, entry and orientals). Roomba was able to get under the counters in the kitchen, under the sofa, the dining room chairs. Once again we captured a full bin of fur. Downstairs we had a few problems. Roomba managed to catch itself on a rug. Roomba announced that it needed help. It was also able to move a very light side table and an empty plastic dog dish. The bin was full of fur and even captured some large dog food nuggets. Roomba was also able to maneuver through electrical cords. We did absolutely no preparations before starting Roomba.
Roomba does not do windows, stairs and areas that are shorter than itself.
We are pleased so far. The machine does a good job collecting fur in open areas and low areas that are taller than Roomba. We will have to consider how to handle the light furniture and lighter carpets. We will also have to determine how to ensure that open doors stay open if we want it to roam unrestricted.
If you are a micro manager, you will have problems with how Roomba gets the job done. If you are results driven manager, you will find that the Roomba does a good job. It gets where it is designed to get, and it does a thorough job. Roomba does its job. Don't worry about how it does it.
Roomba has been busy. We run it about 8 hours per day. We collect 4 full bins of fur every day! Neither my wife nor I imagined how much fur our dogs generated. We just moved from a home that was primarily carpeted to hard surfaces. It is not like they are big dogs. We regularly strip our dogs (pull fur with a comb). We are more than both pleased by the purchase. Even if we had a maid, we would still run Roomba regularly. I don't think a daily maid service could keep up with Roomba's vacuuming or our dogs fur production. It (or perhaps I should say we) does occasionally make a mistake. It has eaten two usb cords and a couple of loose threads on some oriental carpets.
Roomba has not been needed as much. I would guess he gets about three hours of work a day. Once a day downstairs and twice a day upstairs. My wife and I agree that it has been a good purchase. Two unexpected consequences: our HVAC filters stay clean much longer and dusting need not happen as frequently. Roomba looks a little battle worn with superficial scrapes. However, the battery is still going strong. We spend almost no maintenance time. Every time we move Roomba, we empty the bin. We have had to do some major maintenance (more than five minutes) a couple of times. Long hair seems to collect and requires a careful unwinding. (We are all short haired except my daughter who visited at Christmas). The filter requires a little cleaning for optimal efficiency. Sometimes Roomba decides to complete the job under the bed or under a sofa. So, I have to call her. She is about as good as our deaf dog about coming when called. If we confined her to a single room, she would be much easier to find. She is infatuated with bathrooms. She still forgets that she can not reach the handle to open the door after she closes it. We try to remember to close the bathrooms before she begins her work.
FOURTH MONTH Conclusions (3/6/2013)
Roomba has taken a beating over these four months. She has lots of scratches. We have lost our edge second whisker. I bought one of the replacement packs with filters, brushes, rollers. The battery is still going strong. Roomba is getting a little senile. She'll drop her dust bin and keep going. So, she is just sweeping around dust. I think we need to do a thorough cleaning to make sure the latches catch properly. We are still very happy, and our house stays much cleaner.
NINTH MONTH Conclusions (7/31/2013)
Should Roomba die after the end of the warranty period, we would buy one again. I would be disappointed, but we could not live without it. If anything it is more important than ever, one of our dogs has Cushings and loses fur by the handful.
The plan is to run it during the day upstairs and to run it at night downstairs. The first problem we noted is that the schedule only seems to allow one time per day. This is ok since we have to carry it upstairs for the day runs. So, we just start it as we live in the morning. When we return, we put on the charger and let it clean at 2AM downstairs.
The upstairs (approx. 1000 sqft) is a combination of wood floors, tile in the bathrooms, scatter rugs (bath style and oriental). Roomba did a good job covering an awkward area. We captured a full bin of hair from the dogs. The only problem is that it got caught in the toilet area after it managed to close the door on itself. It found out that it was too short to reach the handle to reopen the door. Roomba was able to clean under the bed and sofa. However, it was unable to get under the night stands and dressers. This was unfortunate because the floor and fur is still very visible. (We will have to consider replacing the furniture that we bought a month ago. I can see it is going to be a pain to clean under whether we have Roomba or not).
The downstairs (approx. 800 sqft) is all tile with scatter rugs (bath, entry and orientals). Roomba was able to get under the counters in the kitchen, under the sofa, the dining room chairs. Once again we captured a full bin of fur. Downstairs we had a few problems. Roomba managed to catch itself on a rug. Roomba announced that it needed help. It was also able to move a very light side table and an empty plastic dog dish. The bin was full of fur and even captured some large dog food nuggets. Roomba was also able to maneuver through electrical cords. We did absolutely no preparations before starting Roomba.
Roomba does not do windows, stairs and areas that are shorter than itself.
We are pleased so far. The machine does a good job collecting fur in open areas and low areas that are taller than Roomba. We will have to consider how to handle the light furniture and lighter carpets. We will also have to determine how to ensure that open doors stay open if we want it to roam unrestricted.
If you are a micro manager, you will have problems with how Roomba gets the job done. If you are results driven manager, you will find that the Roomba does a good job. It gets where it is designed to get, and it does a thorough job. Roomba does its job. Don't worry about how it does it.
Roomba has been busy. We run it about 8 hours per day. We collect 4 full bins of fur every day! Neither my wife nor I imagined how much fur our dogs generated. We just moved from a home that was primarily carpeted to hard surfaces. It is not like they are big dogs. We regularly strip our dogs (pull fur with a comb). We are more than both pleased by the purchase. Even if we had a maid, we would still run Roomba regularly. I don't think a daily maid service could keep up with Roomba's vacuuming or our dogs fur production. It (or perhaps I should say we) does occasionally make a mistake. It has eaten two usb cords and a couple of loose threads on some oriental carpets.
Roomba has not been needed as much. I would guess he gets about three hours of work a day. Once a day downstairs and twice a day upstairs. My wife and I agree that it has been a good purchase. Two unexpected consequences: our HVAC filters stay clean much longer and dusting need not happen as frequently. Roomba looks a little battle worn with superficial scrapes. However, the battery is still going strong. We spend almost no maintenance time. Every time we move Roomba, we empty the bin. We have had to do some major maintenance (more than five minutes) a couple of times. Long hair seems to collect and requires a careful unwinding. (We are all short haired except my daughter who visited at Christmas). The filter requires a little cleaning for optimal efficiency. Sometimes Roomba decides to complete the job under the bed or under a sofa. So, I have to call her. She is about as good as our deaf dog about coming when called. If we confined her to a single room, she would be much easier to find. She is infatuated with bathrooms. She still forgets that she can not reach the handle to open the door after she closes it. We try to remember to close the bathrooms before she begins her work.
FOURTH MONTH Conclusions (3/6/2013)
Roomba has taken a beating over these four months. She has lots of scratches. We have lost our edge second whisker. I bought one of the replacement packs with filters, brushes, rollers. The battery is still going strong. Roomba is getting a little senile. She'll drop her dust bin and keep going. So, she is just sweeping around dust. I think we need to do a thorough cleaning to make sure the latches catch properly. We are still very happy, and our house stays much cleaner.
NINTH MONTH Conclusions (7/31/2013)
Should Roomba die after the end of the warranty period, we would buy one again. I would be disappointed, but we could not live without it. If anything it is more important than ever, one of our dogs has Cushings and loses fur by the handful.
By coolhandluke2222
I have had the roomba 650 for about a year now and just got the XV-11 so I thought it might be good to let people know my experience with the 2. First let me say that I am a BIG fan of both but I will compare/contrast the 2 and hopefully help you decide if you are on the fence.
Cleaning: Both of them do a very nice job of cleaning and you will be surprised by how much dirt/dust/pet hair etc you get. While they are pretty even on this i give a slight edge to the XV-11 as it is a bit more powerful and will pick up "clinging" stuff better than the roomba. Both dust bins are comparable (in volume) with the Roomba being a bit bigger and easier to empty due to the XV-11 having to have the filter removed to empty. Not a big deal but Roomba a bit easier to empty. Winner = Tie.
2.) Battery life. Roomba wins here hands down with battery life, with a catch... The roomba easily runs 45 mins - 1.5 hours on a charge. Both will need a bin emptying either half way through cycle (roomba) or when it gets back to the base to recharge (XV). XV-11 is about 30 mins. However the XV-11 does say that the "Battery life will improve after a few uses" in the manual and since its new i have only run it about 4 times now. The catch is while the roomba lasts much longer per cleaning the XV-11 goes back to the base, recharges and then goes back out to where it left off and continues. So, while roomba last longer once, the xv-11 finishes any job started. Winner = Roomba
3.)ease of use/ Smartness. Both of them require you to pick up the floor a bit from debris, especially any type of chords, cables or tangle type of things. The XV-11 is WAYYYYYYYY smarter. The roomba goes around the room in a random pattern and bumps into things (gently) turns, re cleans the same spot and continues on its random way. It cleans this way very well and will get a room done. The XV-11 comes off the base and maps the room then proceeds to clean the room by avoiding obstacles and it does more of a smart pattern. It starts around the edges and then turns and cleans in a line, more like you would do it manually with a upright vac. I noticed it often cleans sections of a room in this manner and then moves on to another section but the rooms in my house are not completely square and have a lot of "stuff" in them. I think in a completely square room it would map, go around the edged and clean in a line back and forth, like the manufacturers video shows. In my experience it does this but in smaller sections, probably due to the barriers and furniture in the room. Winner = XV-11 NOTE: one thing my Girlfriend really liked is she said this when talking about the XV "That one looks like the room was just freshly vacuumed" i.e. the "lines" on the carpet looked like a person did it where the Roomba is very random and has a lot of circular lines and randomness.
4.) Who gets stuck more? The truth of the matter is they both do. The roomba gets stuck more often though. Roomba problem areas are chords, cables, speaker wire, video game cables, edges/angles and especially bad on sliding glass door frames. Now having said all that if you know the problem areas and block them off it will run flawlessly. So you are required to be aware of what it gets stuck on and block access to them. The Roomba has the electronic barriers that block off things like stairways (i dont have any in FL but most places do) and you can block off rooms to clean. I use the roomba for the living room/ family room area and block it off from the kitchen and front of the house. It works well in the area i that i define for it. I have speaker wires running on the floor around the edge of the area and it would ALWAYS get stuck on those wires and just keep running over them like it thought it needed to clean something. It also 100% of the time gets suck on the sliding glass door frame. The door frame has a slight dip and once it hits it and gets off its center of gravity it gets stuck. Another bad spot is angles i have a table that has legs that slope up, the Roomba tries to go up the leg to clean and again once it gets off its center of balance it gets stuck. Cool thing about the Roomba is it tells you "Roomba stuck please move to new location and press clean to resume" the XV=11 doesnt have any "voice" instructions but it does have a nice text display that tells you everything that is going on with it. With roomba at least you know its stuck cause you hear it. XV you just have to listen for it to stop working. Ok so now that i spent a LOT of time on the roomba getting stuck, the XV -11 does too, just not nearly as much. Again this probably goes to the "smartness" factor of the Neato model, it's just plain smarter. By mapping a room and avoiding obstacles it hardly ever gets stuck, so far the only spot ive seen it get stuck is the angled table leg i described with the roomba, XV goes up the leg the same way and keeps trying to clean this table leg on a slope and then just dies and gets stuck on the leg and never can find it's way off of it. As a test i took 2 throw pillows, laid them across the sloped coffee table legs and the XV went around the pillows and never attempted to go up the table leg. So the XV is definitely a lot better in the getting stuck area, but there are still some spots it will get stuck. Barrier for the xv -11 is kind of dumb (strange since the unit is so smart) it uses a strip of black rubber material that you roll out across doorways or areas you want to keep it out of. It works just fine, but seems like Neato should have something more electronic in nature like the roomba has. Now having said that, the roomba barrier control units cast about $30 and the Neato black ruuber thingy cost $26 for 13 feet. Seems a bit pricey for rubber stripping, but that is what they use. it comes with probably about 13 feet of it in the box and as i said works just fine. So, Winner on getting stuck is HANDS DOWN the XV-11
5.) extras/cool stuff. For Roomba you can get a remote(extra) which is neat but I found i never use it. You can however have the remote nearby and "help" it avoid obstacles or clean a specific area. Roomba has the "voice" that is a neat feature as far as warning when it gets stuck, signaling it's about to clean and plays a little "da, da da dat dat dahhhh" when its done cleaning. The Roomba also cleans corners and edges better than the XV partly because of its shape (round) and it has a side cleaning brush that tosses stuff on edges out from the edge to be gobbled up by the Roomba. I do have a few rounded edges in my house and Roomba is really good at that. Cool stuff on the XV is the display is really easy to use and although it's only text it has everything you need displayed. Easy to set times to clean, tells you what it's doing, tells you when its going back to the base to recharge etc. The best thing about the XV though is its smartness, cleans an area, then returns to base to recharge then it will go to nearly the same spot it left off to start cleaning again and it's cleaning pattern is so much more efficient. Last "cool" thing i can think of is the cleaning under obstacles. Roomba can go under a couch that has enough room under it even if the "flaps" of material go to the ground the Roomba will push right under it and clean under the thing and come out the other side. XV does this too but only on things that are "open". By "open" i mean under tables and things that have a clear path, if the material of the couch, chair, table cloth goes to the floor the XV wont "push" it's way under it to clean and it will go around. Some might feel this is a benefit. Both clean well under my king bed, plenty of room for them to go under it. Both return to the base well, XV gets there really quick as its smarter and the Roomba wanders a bit but eventually finds its way home. They both have a "Spot" cleaning feature where you can pick it up place it on or near a spill and it will clean. Roomba goes in a circular spiral outwards and the XV cleans a 4x6 pattern.
Winner = Roomba just a few more cool things.
6.) Maintenance. XV -11 i can't comment on yet because I've only had it a few weeks but the Roomba is fairly easy to take apart and clean the rollers and brush. It gets a lot of hair and strings wrapped around it like any vacuum does but it has a neat little cleaning tool that cuts through the hair and you can clean them out. I've had to clean them about once every 2 months but i dont use the roomba daily, more like 2 times a week. The brushes are easy to get to and clean but they still get hair and string right near the edge of the brushes and rollers that is nearly impossible to remove. XV "looks" like it's not to hard to get to but i havent had to clean it yet. One of the hits I read online was that it was a bit harder to maintain. Winner = Incomplete
7.) Noise. Roomba is loud but manageable, i can even still watch tv with it running i just turn the TV up. The XV sounds like an airplane engine, especially on tile. THAT THING IS LOUD! However it is also very manageable on carpet. Noise factor doesnt bother me as i usually run them when im away or ill run one when im in the opposite room. I think the XV is so loud due to it's more powerful vac though so as i said i can put up with both. Winner = Roomba (quieter on tile)
So, hope this lengthy review helps you decide which one works best for you. I have about 2000sq feet in my house and the XV cleans the front foyer, formal dining room area and kitchen (all carpeted and a bit of tile). Roomba is in the living room /family room/hallway. We have 2 pets and it really helps keep the day to day dog hair up off the floor.
my personal opinion is the XV works better in rooms with a lot of stuff in them as it is so much smarter and avoids obstacles so good. Along with a powerful cleaner. The Roomba works best in a room that is more open, less obstacles and can clean a lot longer on a charge.
Cleaning: Both of them do a very nice job of cleaning and you will be surprised by how much dirt/dust/pet hair etc you get. While they are pretty even on this i give a slight edge to the XV-11 as it is a bit more powerful and will pick up "clinging" stuff better than the roomba. Both dust bins are comparable (in volume) with the Roomba being a bit bigger and easier to empty due to the XV-11 having to have the filter removed to empty. Not a big deal but Roomba a bit easier to empty. Winner = Tie.
2.) Battery life. Roomba wins here hands down with battery life, with a catch... The roomba easily runs 45 mins - 1.5 hours on a charge. Both will need a bin emptying either half way through cycle (roomba) or when it gets back to the base to recharge (XV). XV-11 is about 30 mins. However the XV-11 does say that the "Battery life will improve after a few uses" in the manual and since its new i have only run it about 4 times now. The catch is while the roomba lasts much longer per cleaning the XV-11 goes back to the base, recharges and then goes back out to where it left off and continues. So, while roomba last longer once, the xv-11 finishes any job started. Winner = Roomba
3.)ease of use/ Smartness. Both of them require you to pick up the floor a bit from debris, especially any type of chords, cables or tangle type of things. The XV-11 is WAYYYYYYYY smarter. The roomba goes around the room in a random pattern and bumps into things (gently) turns, re cleans the same spot and continues on its random way. It cleans this way very well and will get a room done. The XV-11 comes off the base and maps the room then proceeds to clean the room by avoiding obstacles and it does more of a smart pattern. It starts around the edges and then turns and cleans in a line, more like you would do it manually with a upright vac. I noticed it often cleans sections of a room in this manner and then moves on to another section but the rooms in my house are not completely square and have a lot of "stuff" in them. I think in a completely square room it would map, go around the edged and clean in a line back and forth, like the manufacturers video shows. In my experience it does this but in smaller sections, probably due to the barriers and furniture in the room. Winner = XV-11 NOTE: one thing my Girlfriend really liked is she said this when talking about the XV "That one looks like the room was just freshly vacuumed" i.e. the "lines" on the carpet looked like a person did it where the Roomba is very random and has a lot of circular lines and randomness.
4.) Who gets stuck more? The truth of the matter is they both do. The roomba gets stuck more often though. Roomba problem areas are chords, cables, speaker wire, video game cables, edges/angles and especially bad on sliding glass door frames. Now having said all that if you know the problem areas and block them off it will run flawlessly. So you are required to be aware of what it gets stuck on and block access to them. The Roomba has the electronic barriers that block off things like stairways (i dont have any in FL but most places do) and you can block off rooms to clean. I use the roomba for the living room/ family room area and block it off from the kitchen and front of the house. It works well in the area i that i define for it. I have speaker wires running on the floor around the edge of the area and it would ALWAYS get stuck on those wires and just keep running over them like it thought it needed to clean something. It also 100% of the time gets suck on the sliding glass door frame. The door frame has a slight dip and once it hits it and gets off its center of gravity it gets stuck. Another bad spot is angles i have a table that has legs that slope up, the Roomba tries to go up the leg to clean and again once it gets off its center of balance it gets stuck. Cool thing about the Roomba is it tells you "Roomba stuck please move to new location and press clean to resume" the XV=11 doesnt have any "voice" instructions but it does have a nice text display that tells you everything that is going on with it. With roomba at least you know its stuck cause you hear it. XV you just have to listen for it to stop working. Ok so now that i spent a LOT of time on the roomba getting stuck, the XV -11 does too, just not nearly as much. Again this probably goes to the "smartness" factor of the Neato model, it's just plain smarter. By mapping a room and avoiding obstacles it hardly ever gets stuck, so far the only spot ive seen it get stuck is the angled table leg i described with the roomba, XV goes up the leg the same way and keeps trying to clean this table leg on a slope and then just dies and gets stuck on the leg and never can find it's way off of it. As a test i took 2 throw pillows, laid them across the sloped coffee table legs and the XV went around the pillows and never attempted to go up the table leg. So the XV is definitely a lot better in the getting stuck area, but there are still some spots it will get stuck. Barrier for the xv -11 is kind of dumb (strange since the unit is so smart) it uses a strip of black rubber material that you roll out across doorways or areas you want to keep it out of. It works just fine, but seems like Neato should have something more electronic in nature like the roomba has. Now having said that, the roomba barrier control units cast about $30 and the Neato black ruuber thingy cost $26 for 13 feet. Seems a bit pricey for rubber stripping, but that is what they use. it comes with probably about 13 feet of it in the box and as i said works just fine. So, Winner on getting stuck is HANDS DOWN the XV-11
5.) extras/cool stuff. For Roomba you can get a remote(extra) which is neat but I found i never use it. You can however have the remote nearby and "help" it avoid obstacles or clean a specific area. Roomba has the "voice" that is a neat feature as far as warning when it gets stuck, signaling it's about to clean and plays a little "da, da da dat dat dahhhh" when its done cleaning. The Roomba also cleans corners and edges better than the XV partly because of its shape (round) and it has a side cleaning brush that tosses stuff on edges out from the edge to be gobbled up by the Roomba. I do have a few rounded edges in my house and Roomba is really good at that. Cool stuff on the XV is the display is really easy to use and although it's only text it has everything you need displayed. Easy to set times to clean, tells you what it's doing, tells you when its going back to the base to recharge etc. The best thing about the XV though is its smartness, cleans an area, then returns to base to recharge then it will go to nearly the same spot it left off to start cleaning again and it's cleaning pattern is so much more efficient. Last "cool" thing i can think of is the cleaning under obstacles. Roomba can go under a couch that has enough room under it even if the "flaps" of material go to the ground the Roomba will push right under it and clean under the thing and come out the other side. XV does this too but only on things that are "open". By "open" i mean under tables and things that have a clear path, if the material of the couch, chair, table cloth goes to the floor the XV wont "push" it's way under it to clean and it will go around. Some might feel this is a benefit. Both clean well under my king bed, plenty of room for them to go under it. Both return to the base well, XV gets there really quick as its smarter and the Roomba wanders a bit but eventually finds its way home. They both have a "Spot" cleaning feature where you can pick it up place it on or near a spill and it will clean. Roomba goes in a circular spiral outwards and the XV cleans a 4x6 pattern.
Winner = Roomba just a few more cool things.
6.) Maintenance. XV -11 i can't comment on yet because I've only had it a few weeks but the Roomba is fairly easy to take apart and clean the rollers and brush. It gets a lot of hair and strings wrapped around it like any vacuum does but it has a neat little cleaning tool that cuts through the hair and you can clean them out. I've had to clean them about once every 2 months but i dont use the roomba daily, more like 2 times a week. The brushes are easy to get to and clean but they still get hair and string right near the edge of the brushes and rollers that is nearly impossible to remove. XV "looks" like it's not to hard to get to but i havent had to clean it yet. One of the hits I read online was that it was a bit harder to maintain. Winner = Incomplete
7.) Noise. Roomba is loud but manageable, i can even still watch tv with it running i just turn the TV up. The XV sounds like an airplane engine, especially on tile. THAT THING IS LOUD! However it is also very manageable on carpet. Noise factor doesnt bother me as i usually run them when im away or ill run one when im in the opposite room. I think the XV is so loud due to it's more powerful vac though so as i said i can put up with both. Winner = Roomba (quieter on tile)
So, hope this lengthy review helps you decide which one works best for you. I have about 2000sq feet in my house and the XV cleans the front foyer, formal dining room area and kitchen (all carpeted and a bit of tile). Roomba is in the living room /family room/hallway. We have 2 pets and it really helps keep the day to day dog hair up off the floor.
my personal opinion is the XV works better in rooms with a lot of stuff in them as it is so much smarter and avoids obstacles so good. Along with a powerful cleaner. The Roomba works best in a room that is more open, less obstacles and can clean a lot longer on a charge.
By N K Maine
I have wanted a Roomba for years but it wasn’t until my wife and I bought a new colonial where the downstairs was all wood floors that I finally was able to convince my wife to get one. Am I glad that I did! Our Roomba is awesome.
I bought the 650 series, which is the pet version. We have a Jack Russell terrier which seems to shed non-stop, so there is little white hairs everywhere. The Roomba picks up the hair like it is its….well… job.
The Roomba goes around in its random little pattern and does a great job picking up all the hair and dirt bits on our first floor which is roughly 1000 square feet. It negotiates furniture to include a kitchen island and dining room table. It picks up around 98% of the dirt and hair that is on the floor (more on the 2% in the negative section). It gets under our baseboard heating with its outside sweeper and really does an excellent job. With that being said, the majority of the area that it cleans is hard wood floors, with the occasion area rug. We have carpet upstairs but we don’t use it on that so I can’t really comment too much on how it does on large carpeted areas. If you look at the photos I have uploaded, you can see what it grabbed on one run and then the following day run.
After each run it backs itself up into its docking station and recharges itself for the next run. I would use the timer and do it at night but I enjoy watching it go around and go through its process.
Does it make noise? Yes. Is it loud like some people have stated. No. I don’t know how you could say that this is loud, it is not even close as loud as a large vacuum. I would compare it to a little 9v lithium battery hand drill that I have. It makes a noise, but you could watch tv as it travels by you with maybe one increase in the volume button.
Negatives: (minor negatives)
You need to think for it. We have to pick up our dining room chairs and the kitchen island bar stool and put them on the table so it can go around the table and kitchen island. If you have the chairs there, it might not be able to get under the table since it will bounce around on the chair legs and have a hard time negotiating the table and chair legs. I also have to block off an opening that is alongside of my recliner because the Roomba will go behind it and get kind of stuck back there for 5 minutes or so trying to get out. It did get out but I feel it is wasting time back there so I put some of my daughters toys in the way so it can’t get back there. I also close the door to my downstairs bathroom because of another person’s review that it sometimes closes a door and locks itself in their bathroom. I avoid that by just closing the door and keeping it from going in. I also have to pick up the floor for anything that would normally get caught up in a regular vacuum. Cords, shoes (and shoe laces) and other items that it will get wrapped up in.
It is a vacuum and it has the negatives of any large vacuums, the only difference is you aren’t there to bring it back over the areas that it might have missed. The 2% that I feel it doesn’t pick up isn’t because it “missed it,” it is because it is usually in a transition area where the vacuum lifts up. If I have a bit of dirt along the edge of an area rug it will miss it because it is lifting up in the front to go over the rug.
We also have a thick tread “mud hog” matt at our side entry that grabs dirt clumps upon entering the side door. The Roomba doesn’t do that great of a job on the deep crevices but I just normally pick the matt up and shake it outside…all better.
If you take two minutes to pick up your area and plan ahead for you Roomba, your Roomba will make quick work of the dirt in the house. For the 2% that it misses, I grab a broom and a dust pan and sweep it up in 30 seconds. It is much quicker to grab that little 2% than to sweep my entire downstairs or do it all by hand with my other vacuum.
Overall, I love the Roomba. It’s fun to watch, great to help out around the house to clean for us and really saves us time so we can have one less thing to do when it comes to cleaning up the house.
If you follow the simple directions that come with the Roomba you won’t have an issue. It cleans and saves you time. So why would you not buy this?
Other people have said:
People have said its too loud – that’s crazy. It makes noise, but it is a machine and it’s a vacuum. The sound it makes is fine.
Someone said they didn’t like picking up their dining room chairs – I don’t know how you would clean around them with a regular vacuum. You’d have to move them to do that anyway. Help you’re Roomba out. Don’t be mad at it because you don’t want to help your Roomba succeed.
Someone said that they have to pick up their Roomba and put it manually back on the charging station – you didn’t follow the directions that say have the charging station in an open area so the IR signal can be seen by your Roomba to return. They even have a photo in the instruction manual that shows where to put the charging station so the Roomba can find it. Follow the directions.
If you have a pile of dirt and some of it is a fine powder on the floor it doesn’t get it all - Neither will a large vacuum. It won’t clean up mud either. It’s a vacuum, not a mop. It can’t get everything.
It only does one room then it has to recharge – I have an open concept Colonial that is around 1000 square feet in the downstairs. It does the entire downstairs (minus my bathroom, I close the door). If it can only do one small area before it has to recharge, you didn’t follow the directions, which states to let it charge overnight before its first use or the battery might not work properly.
Their expensive – Yup, so is a nice vacuum, like a Dyson, a vacuum that actually works, not the crap you find at Walmart for $75. And it is a robot. Good vacuum and robot = not free.
It doesn’t get the grit in the cracks and seems in the floors – First off, why do you have cracks in your floors? Secondly, in the natural small divots that are formed between the hardwood floor planks it picks up dirt just fine. In fact my wife just said “the floors look good.” She was the biggest skeptic of the Roomba due the cost and the expectations she had of it.
I bought the 650 series, which is the pet version. We have a Jack Russell terrier which seems to shed non-stop, so there is little white hairs everywhere. The Roomba picks up the hair like it is its….well… job.
The Roomba goes around in its random little pattern and does a great job picking up all the hair and dirt bits on our first floor which is roughly 1000 square feet. It negotiates furniture to include a kitchen island and dining room table. It picks up around 98% of the dirt and hair that is on the floor (more on the 2% in the negative section). It gets under our baseboard heating with its outside sweeper and really does an excellent job. With that being said, the majority of the area that it cleans is hard wood floors, with the occasion area rug. We have carpet upstairs but we don’t use it on that so I can’t really comment too much on how it does on large carpeted areas. If you look at the photos I have uploaded, you can see what it grabbed on one run and then the following day run.
After each run it backs itself up into its docking station and recharges itself for the next run. I would use the timer and do it at night but I enjoy watching it go around and go through its process.
Does it make noise? Yes. Is it loud like some people have stated. No. I don’t know how you could say that this is loud, it is not even close as loud as a large vacuum. I would compare it to a little 9v lithium battery hand drill that I have. It makes a noise, but you could watch tv as it travels by you with maybe one increase in the volume button.
Negatives: (minor negatives)
You need to think for it. We have to pick up our dining room chairs and the kitchen island bar stool and put them on the table so it can go around the table and kitchen island. If you have the chairs there, it might not be able to get under the table since it will bounce around on the chair legs and have a hard time negotiating the table and chair legs. I also have to block off an opening that is alongside of my recliner because the Roomba will go behind it and get kind of stuck back there for 5 minutes or so trying to get out. It did get out but I feel it is wasting time back there so I put some of my daughters toys in the way so it can’t get back there. I also close the door to my downstairs bathroom because of another person’s review that it sometimes closes a door and locks itself in their bathroom. I avoid that by just closing the door and keeping it from going in. I also have to pick up the floor for anything that would normally get caught up in a regular vacuum. Cords, shoes (and shoe laces) and other items that it will get wrapped up in.
It is a vacuum and it has the negatives of any large vacuums, the only difference is you aren’t there to bring it back over the areas that it might have missed. The 2% that I feel it doesn’t pick up isn’t because it “missed it,” it is because it is usually in a transition area where the vacuum lifts up. If I have a bit of dirt along the edge of an area rug it will miss it because it is lifting up in the front to go over the rug.
We also have a thick tread “mud hog” matt at our side entry that grabs dirt clumps upon entering the side door. The Roomba doesn’t do that great of a job on the deep crevices but I just normally pick the matt up and shake it outside…all better.
If you take two minutes to pick up your area and plan ahead for you Roomba, your Roomba will make quick work of the dirt in the house. For the 2% that it misses, I grab a broom and a dust pan and sweep it up in 30 seconds. It is much quicker to grab that little 2% than to sweep my entire downstairs or do it all by hand with my other vacuum.
Overall, I love the Roomba. It’s fun to watch, great to help out around the house to clean for us and really saves us time so we can have one less thing to do when it comes to cleaning up the house.
If you follow the simple directions that come with the Roomba you won’t have an issue. It cleans and saves you time. So why would you not buy this?
Other people have said:
People have said its too loud – that’s crazy. It makes noise, but it is a machine and it’s a vacuum. The sound it makes is fine.
Someone said they didn’t like picking up their dining room chairs – I don’t know how you would clean around them with a regular vacuum. You’d have to move them to do that anyway. Help you’re Roomba out. Don’t be mad at it because you don’t want to help your Roomba succeed.
Someone said that they have to pick up their Roomba and put it manually back on the charging station – you didn’t follow the directions that say have the charging station in an open area so the IR signal can be seen by your Roomba to return. They even have a photo in the instruction manual that shows where to put the charging station so the Roomba can find it. Follow the directions.
If you have a pile of dirt and some of it is a fine powder on the floor it doesn’t get it all - Neither will a large vacuum. It won’t clean up mud either. It’s a vacuum, not a mop. It can’t get everything.
It only does one room then it has to recharge – I have an open concept Colonial that is around 1000 square feet in the downstairs. It does the entire downstairs (minus my bathroom, I close the door). If it can only do one small area before it has to recharge, you didn’t follow the directions, which states to let it charge overnight before its first use or the battery might not work properly.
Their expensive – Yup, so is a nice vacuum, like a Dyson, a vacuum that actually works, not the crap you find at Walmart for $75. And it is a robot. Good vacuum and robot = not free.
It doesn’t get the grit in the cracks and seems in the floors – First off, why do you have cracks in your floors? Secondly, in the natural small divots that are formed between the hardwood floor planks it picks up dirt just fine. In fact my wife just said “the floors look good.” She was the biggest skeptic of the Roomba due the cost and the expectations she had of it.

By Amazon Customer
I don't have to vacuum anymore and my floors have never been so clean. I scheduled it to run every day. It is amazing how much dust and other debris this thing picks up. All it takes is a 5 minute clean up of the Roomba each day-dump the bin, shake out the filter and clean the 2 rollers. It runs just over an hour before going back to base to charge. I have a large house, I run it in the main living area each day, and I move it manually to other parts of my house about 2x a month. My father bought one instanty after seeing how well mine cleaned-he is very critical of everything, but has no complaints about his 650. My 3 year old daughter & I named it Rico-she loves watching daddy's "robot" run around the house. It is much quieter than a conventional vacuum-I can watch TV while it runs, but I schedule it to run after I leave in the morning.
A couple of tips:
Vacuum one time yourself before setting this thing loose-it makes a world of difference in the performance.
Pick up blankets and things that you would normally get off the floor to vacuum.
Confine it it to 2 or 3 rooms at a time.
Make sure you clean the bin and rollers after each run.
Run it as often as possible-schedule it for every day.
Clean it once a month by blowing everything out an air compressor.
Kick back with cold one and enjoy your new found free time...
Update 7/2013-Still running Rico every day except on the weekend, battery life is still good. The vacuum is still cleaning very well, I replaced the side brush once and I swap the filter while I'm cleaning the other one. I don't clean it as often but at least 2 times a week, I do empty the bin and shake out the filter after every run. I'm still very pleased with the peformance. I'm still amazed at how much dust this thing collects. We've had a baby since the first review and I'm very happy that the floor he crawls around on is vacuumed every day-gives me great piece of mind since everything he picks up goes straight to his mouth.
A couple of tips:
Vacuum one time yourself before setting this thing loose-it makes a world of difference in the performance.
Pick up blankets and things that you would normally get off the floor to vacuum.
Confine it it to 2 or 3 rooms at a time.
Make sure you clean the bin and rollers after each run.
Run it as often as possible-schedule it for every day.
Clean it once a month by blowing everything out an air compressor.
Kick back with cold one and enjoy your new found free time...
Update 7/2013-Still running Rico every day except on the weekend, battery life is still good. The vacuum is still cleaning very well, I replaced the side brush once and I swap the filter while I'm cleaning the other one. I don't clean it as often but at least 2 times a week, I do empty the bin and shake out the filter after every run. I'm still very pleased with the peformance. I'm still amazed at how much dust this thing collects. We've had a baby since the first review and I'm very happy that the floor he crawls around on is vacuumed every day-gives me great piece of mind since everything he picks up goes straight to his mouth.
By Wren Maczka
I always thought Roombas were a novelty until we purchased our first house with all hardwood on the first floor and moved in with our two Great Pyrenees (think giant polar bear type dogs with long, thick fluffy fur that sheds faster than rabbits multiply). After about 2 years of vacuuming with my upright daily and feeling like only moments later the floor was covered in white fluffy tumbleweeds again, I began throwing out hints about getting one of these for Christmas. Of course as he was not the one vacuuming everyday he didn't really see the need since we already had a really nice upright vacuum specifically geared toward pet hair, but I suppose I got my point across well enough as come Christmas I got this Roomba.
I set it up, letting it charge fully, and as soon as I saw the light go green sent it on its way to do its magical job - and was instantly a little sad. It seemed to go in circles, sticking to only one small area over and over or randomly racing across the room leaving big spaces untouched. I let it run despite, doing its thing, and once it returned back to its base, emptied the bin and let it charge again, feeling slightly defeated.
The next day I decided to give it another go. Suddenly it was maneuvering deftly - slowing down in anticipation of walls or cabinets instead of blindly ramming into them, running smartly along the walls, under my sectional and kitchen table without getting stuck,under the lip of my kitchen cabinets and covering all areas - no longer carelessly zigging and zagging leaving large areas untouched.
Of course - it had to learn the "lay of the land" on its maiden voyage. I instantly felt silly for not realizing that it had to feel out its boundaries before actually working as I had hoped.
As the days go by, I only become more and more impressed at its efficiency. I have a large area rug in the family room, two small mats in the kitchen, an area rug in the dining room, a small pile rug under the kitchen dining table, a runner down the hall and a decent sized rug at the door. The Roomba has no issue navigating between my hardwood (light colored) and my rugs (dark colored). I do have a semi open concept first floor which I am sure helps, but with my furniture layout it is not without obstacles, which the Roomba handles without issue more often than not.
The dog hair does tend to wrap around the two inner brushes and the spinner brush, but I do have two long haired double coated dogs that shed so much you would think they should be bald, and honestly cleaning the hair out is very quick and much easier than on my upright pet-centric vacuum. They can slide out easily to clean thoroughly, and with the little cleaner brush that is included (I love the little cutter on it!), even tough tangles are no issue. With the amount of fur my dogs leave behind, even more surprising is the amount the bin can hold before becoming full.
It has no problem cleaning the entire first floor, and while I do have to stop to empty the bin a few times during a cleaning, that can only be expected with the breed of dogs that I have. Not having to vacuum the floor myself every single day has made this a truly worthwhile purchase. It does an excellent job keeping fur tumbleweeds at bay, and is relatively quiet, especially when in comparison to a regular upright. My dogs are still a little apprehensive about it, but tend to ignore it or just move out of its path for the most part when normally if a vacuum is running they head for the hills. I have yet to test it upstairs which is fully carpeted, but plan to do so in the near future. Now if only it had a way to tackle the stairs for me as well ;P
Overall I am incredibly happy with my Roomba. I've only had it for about two weeks so far, but will try and update down the road in regards to continued performance. If you have pets, and even more so, ones that shed, this is a life saver and a well worth investment. Highly recommended and Pyr Parent approved!
I set it up, letting it charge fully, and as soon as I saw the light go green sent it on its way to do its magical job - and was instantly a little sad. It seemed to go in circles, sticking to only one small area over and over or randomly racing across the room leaving big spaces untouched. I let it run despite, doing its thing, and once it returned back to its base, emptied the bin and let it charge again, feeling slightly defeated.
The next day I decided to give it another go. Suddenly it was maneuvering deftly - slowing down in anticipation of walls or cabinets instead of blindly ramming into them, running smartly along the walls, under my sectional and kitchen table without getting stuck,under the lip of my kitchen cabinets and covering all areas - no longer carelessly zigging and zagging leaving large areas untouched.
Of course - it had to learn the "lay of the land" on its maiden voyage. I instantly felt silly for not realizing that it had to feel out its boundaries before actually working as I had hoped.
As the days go by, I only become more and more impressed at its efficiency. I have a large area rug in the family room, two small mats in the kitchen, an area rug in the dining room, a small pile rug under the kitchen dining table, a runner down the hall and a decent sized rug at the door. The Roomba has no issue navigating between my hardwood (light colored) and my rugs (dark colored). I do have a semi open concept first floor which I am sure helps, but with my furniture layout it is not without obstacles, which the Roomba handles without issue more often than not.
The dog hair does tend to wrap around the two inner brushes and the spinner brush, but I do have two long haired double coated dogs that shed so much you would think they should be bald, and honestly cleaning the hair out is very quick and much easier than on my upright pet-centric vacuum. They can slide out easily to clean thoroughly, and with the little cleaner brush that is included (I love the little cutter on it!), even tough tangles are no issue. With the amount of fur my dogs leave behind, even more surprising is the amount the bin can hold before becoming full.
It has no problem cleaning the entire first floor, and while I do have to stop to empty the bin a few times during a cleaning, that can only be expected with the breed of dogs that I have. Not having to vacuum the floor myself every single day has made this a truly worthwhile purchase. It does an excellent job keeping fur tumbleweeds at bay, and is relatively quiet, especially when in comparison to a regular upright. My dogs are still a little apprehensive about it, but tend to ignore it or just move out of its path for the most part when normally if a vacuum is running they head for the hills. I have yet to test it upstairs which is fully carpeted, but plan to do so in the near future. Now if only it had a way to tackle the stairs for me as well ;P
Overall I am incredibly happy with my Roomba. I've only had it for about two weeks so far, but will try and update down the road in regards to continued performance. If you have pets, and even more so, ones that shed, this is a life saver and a well worth investment. Highly recommended and Pyr Parent approved!

By Marcus
The Roomba is deinately one of the best purchases we have ever made. With 2 hairy dogs and tile floors, the Roomba has made keeping our house clean possible.
Unfortunately, the Roomba eats poop. The bad combo of leaving the dogs in the house with full pipes during cleaning hour lead to smeared dog doo-doo all over our carpet. I didn't realize the Roomba had a thing for crap, but she definitely does. While she bumps into-and finds her way in a different direction--for every other obstacle in our house, she had to ride over ever little turd and make sure to take each one on an adventure.
We purchased a replacement because we loved it so much, and there was no cleaning the old Roomba. I highly recommend this purchase, just make sure you don't leave dookie laying around. You've been warned.
Unfortunately, the Roomba eats poop. The bad combo of leaving the dogs in the house with full pipes during cleaning hour lead to smeared dog doo-doo all over our carpet. I didn't realize the Roomba had a thing for crap, but she definitely does. While she bumps into-and finds her way in a different direction--for every other obstacle in our house, she had to ride over ever little turd and make sure to take each one on an adventure.
We purchased a replacement because we loved it so much, and there was no cleaning the old Roomba. I highly recommend this purchase, just make sure you don't leave dookie laying around. You've been warned.

By Coco
The Roomba650 has absolutely changed my life.
My main floor is roughly 1500ft with a pretty open floor plan: Bamboo Wood Floors (they're very light in color, so the dog hair was always visible and I hated it) and 3 area rugs. 2 dogs (both adult black labs) and 2 adults.
My favorite thing about this vacuum is that I don't have the vacuum. My second favorite thing is that it vacuums while we're at work. I set it to run every day of the week at 2:00pm and when I come home, I empty what it has picked up during the day (30 seconds). I clean the sweepers and bearings every 3 days. It usually takes about 3-5 minutes.
I thought I'd answer a few of the questions I had when I was reading reviews.
1: The Roomba is about 1/4 as loud as our Dyson. I once tried to watch an episode of Law&Order while it was running and I could totally still hear Tutuola and Benson by increasing the volume by 2. It's less loud than someone using a blender in the same room as you.
2: My baseboards have never been so clean. It's true that it gets hair and debris off of the baseboards.
3: As a result of the Roomba's hatred of cords, my house has gotten cleaner because I made sure to tidy all cords and remove clutter. I saw this as a "con" on several people's lists. Wait... so you're complaining because a vacuum forced you to keep your house cleaner? You whine too much. Also, you don't understand what vacuums are for.
4: The Roomba easily moves over thresholds between doorways and over our rugs. We don't have tasseled rugs, so I can't attest to how it would handle those, but I did leave a quilt that I've been working on out on the living room floor last week, and the Roomba very sweetly vacuumed it for me without destroying any of it (thank god).
5: It's unreasonable for you to think that the Roomba will pick up every single hair or piece of dirt every single time. It's a robot, not a maid service. If you see something the Roomba missed one day, trust me it'll get it the next.
6: Once in a while (about once every 3 weeks) The Roomba will get trapped in my bathroom and I'll find it there when I get home. (To be fair, that bathroom is tiny, covered in floor mats and it's the farthest point from the docking station. I didn't follow the rules on where to put the docking station.) If all I have to do to vacuum the house is move a 5-pound, 1-foot wide disc back to a docking base, I'd buy this thing all over again! (also to be noted, I've never used the room barriers, and this has still only happened a handful of times.)
7: You need to vacuum your house before you turn on the Roomba the first time. You cant expect it to pick up all the junk that has been collecting since the last time you vacuumed.
8: The bin seems small because you probably vacuum every 3 days(if you're cuckoo or have kids) or once a week. But when something is vacuuming every day, the amount of debris is substantially less.
9: I'm cuckoo, so I still Dyson the rugs every week or two because Roomba is AMAZING but it's no Dyson on the rugs. Roomba has cut the amount of time I spend vacuuming the house from 2 hours a week to 20 minutes a week. It practically takes me longer to get the Dyson out than it does to use it.
I've had the Roomba650 for 6 months and as of this moment I have no complaints other than that it can't have babies. It's important to have a little perspective. Too many people review this vacuum like it was supposed to be a butler. Yes, it'll get confused by your chairs being close together, yes it'll get stuck on cords... but so will a regular vacuum. It's not sentient.
Science is AMAZING. Get one! It totally changed my life. 100% worth it.
My main floor is roughly 1500ft with a pretty open floor plan: Bamboo Wood Floors (they're very light in color, so the dog hair was always visible and I hated it) and 3 area rugs. 2 dogs (both adult black labs) and 2 adults.
My favorite thing about this vacuum is that I don't have the vacuum. My second favorite thing is that it vacuums while we're at work. I set it to run every day of the week at 2:00pm and when I come home, I empty what it has picked up during the day (30 seconds). I clean the sweepers and bearings every 3 days. It usually takes about 3-5 minutes.
I thought I'd answer a few of the questions I had when I was reading reviews.
1: The Roomba is about 1/4 as loud as our Dyson. I once tried to watch an episode of Law&Order while it was running and I could totally still hear Tutuola and Benson by increasing the volume by 2. It's less loud than someone using a blender in the same room as you.
2: My baseboards have never been so clean. It's true that it gets hair and debris off of the baseboards.
3: As a result of the Roomba's hatred of cords, my house has gotten cleaner because I made sure to tidy all cords and remove clutter. I saw this as a "con" on several people's lists. Wait... so you're complaining because a vacuum forced you to keep your house cleaner? You whine too much. Also, you don't understand what vacuums are for.
4: The Roomba easily moves over thresholds between doorways and over our rugs. We don't have tasseled rugs, so I can't attest to how it would handle those, but I did leave a quilt that I've been working on out on the living room floor last week, and the Roomba very sweetly vacuumed it for me without destroying any of it (thank god).
5: It's unreasonable for you to think that the Roomba will pick up every single hair or piece of dirt every single time. It's a robot, not a maid service. If you see something the Roomba missed one day, trust me it'll get it the next.
6: Once in a while (about once every 3 weeks) The Roomba will get trapped in my bathroom and I'll find it there when I get home. (To be fair, that bathroom is tiny, covered in floor mats and it's the farthest point from the docking station. I didn't follow the rules on where to put the docking station.) If all I have to do to vacuum the house is move a 5-pound, 1-foot wide disc back to a docking base, I'd buy this thing all over again! (also to be noted, I've never used the room barriers, and this has still only happened a handful of times.)
7: You need to vacuum your house before you turn on the Roomba the first time. You cant expect it to pick up all the junk that has been collecting since the last time you vacuumed.
8: The bin seems small because you probably vacuum every 3 days(if you're cuckoo or have kids) or once a week. But when something is vacuuming every day, the amount of debris is substantially less.
9: I'm cuckoo, so I still Dyson the rugs every week or two because Roomba is AMAZING but it's no Dyson on the rugs. Roomba has cut the amount of time I spend vacuuming the house from 2 hours a week to 20 minutes a week. It practically takes me longer to get the Dyson out than it does to use it.
I've had the Roomba650 for 6 months and as of this moment I have no complaints other than that it can't have babies. It's important to have a little perspective. Too many people review this vacuum like it was supposed to be a butler. Yes, it'll get confused by your chairs being close together, yes it'll get stuck on cords... but so will a regular vacuum. It's not sentient.
Science is AMAZING. Get one! It totally changed my life. 100% worth it.
By H. Erickson
We love Roomba! Here is my video review to show you some basics on how Roomba works. I could have gone on and on about how wonderful this product is, but I only get to upload a 10 minute maximum video here, so pardon the editing. All the most important bits that I really wanted to share are here, however. I also compared a bit between this 650 model and the 770 model we've had for much longer.
Feel free to post your questions in the comments section on this review, I'm happy to try and answer any questions you might have! Thanks for watching.
Feel free to post your questions in the comments section on this review, I'm happy to try and answer any questions you might have! Thanks for watching.
By Sharon Erickson
We bought the Roomba for my elderly Mother. It's perfect for picking up cat hair! She runs it during the night a few times a week and she can enjoy clean floors, both carpet mad wood, and now I don't have to worry about her dragging out her big vacuum. Love it!

By Julie Heeb
Works amazingly well. We have 2 dogs and allergies. This vacuum picks up so much more than my upright vacuum and I don't have to lift a finger! I vacuumed with my old vacuum right before I used this one and the amount of dirt it picked up was kind of gross! (Shown in the photo attached) We have been living in filth that we didn't know was there. It is very easy to maintain and I love that you can schedule a time for it to work. Also it easily goes from carpet to hard floor to rugs without getting stuck. I wish I had purchased this years ago! My cleaning life has forever been changed!

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