Saturday, November 12, 2016

Resolve Carpet Cleaner with Triple Oxi Action Advanced Carpet Stain Remover, 22 oz

Resolve Carpet Cleaner with Triple Oxi Action Advanced Carpet Stain Remover, 22 oz
  • Stain Remover Penetrates deep to help keep stains from reappearing.
  • Carpet Cleaner Breaks down a wide variety of tough, everyday stains.
  • Lifts out stains and neutralizes odors leaving your carpet soft and smelling fresh.
  • Carpet Cleaner
Resolve Carpet Triple Oxi Advanced Carpet Stain Remover, 22 Oz

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By BGrace
This is really an effective product. I used it on a beige fabric sofa that had some quite noticeable stains, and it actually lifted them and made the fabric look like new again. I just followed the directions, then vacuumed later after it was dried. Have also used it successfully on carpet stains. I'm chemically sensitive and I did not have any reactions while using this though I didn't have direct contact with my hands, and did leave a window open.

By C. Walker
Have you ever spilled manual transmission fluid on the floorboard of your Jeep? No? Well I have. Sometimes I have to learn the hard way, and my most recent lesson involved about a quart of spent transmission fluid (motor oil) and lovely tan short-pile carpet. Everything would have worked out fine, had it not been for the speed bumps separating me from my nearest oil recycling facility. Thanks to Resolve, everything did.
Used manual transmission fluid has an astringent lingering odor. It doesn't just go away, and it's not something you want to share with people.
Having learned the error of my ways, I set out this afternoon for a solution (no pun intended) to remove the offensive smell and stain. A local retailer carries the same product you see here for almost a dollar more. In a rush, I paid the premium and got to work. Following the directions on the bottle, I sprayed the stains and let the Resolve work its magic. Five minutes later I doused the whole area with water and started scrubbing. My carpet is still drying, but I can already tell that it worked beautifully. I hope I never have cause to use it again, but if I do, I have no doubt this will save me a second time. Resolve is an excellent product that does exactly what it advertises.

By DuckessPami
I have purchased and used Resolve Carpet Triple Oxi Advanced Carpet Stain Remover by Resolve. I actually found this product by accident when we moved. The prior owners left this with some cleaning products, and we used it to take care of a mess one of our dogs made. The poor fellow was sick after getting into something, and I found this under the sink and used it! I was amazed at how well this took care of the stain and eliminated the odor! Thank goodness!! I have had more than a few more opportunities to use this and have been very happy with how consistently great the results have been. I have used Resolve for years, but this is my new favorite version! I recommend this to anyone that has to clean up messes on carpet, furniture (couches, chairs, mattress, etc)

By deanna josephitis
This resolve carpet stain remover is wonderful, not only is it good on carpet but it is wonderful on hard to remove stains from clothing, I know they have one for clothing as well, but this one works better for the stains that can not be removed with the other stain remover. If it were not for this I would need to replace my carpet, because with all my kids and pets they make such a mess. We live on a farm and there is nothing but mud outside right now.

All you do is spray this on the spot, wait 5 or 10 minutes and wipe it off, repeat until the stain is gone. No heavy scrubbing, just spray and wipe.
I am really glad I found this brand, I had been using another brand for years and then one day I thought I would try this. Never looked back.

By Amazon Customer
Works for more than carpet!!! This stuff will take blood stains out of clothes, linens, etc. I have used it on upholstery as well with fantastic results. Well worth keeping around the house. When you get a stain - blood, wine, almost anything, just soak the stain in Resolve and chuck it in the washing machine. I even washes a pillowcase with blood from a bloody nose in HOT water by mistake (that is supposed to "set" the stain permanently), and when the pillowcase came out, I could not find where the stain was, the whole thing was evenly white!

By Akkira Foster
Works great on certain stains and others, no so much. Regarding food spills, coffee.. ketchup, soy sauce, etc... it does wonders. Wine, no problem. BBQ sauce? Grenadine? Stellar! If you are looking for this to remove pet stains, it depends on the stain. Best thing for pet stains is to wait for them to dry. I know that sounds sucky, but if you don't you're going to end up smearing this up and using the whole bottle. With urine, you should spray it and then toss some carpet cleaner over it. The resolve will suck the urine smell out so your pup won't get used to it. I'd block off the area. Later, come in with some hot water and some towels and spray with the Resolve. It does a decent job, nothing stellar but it does the best it can. Stick to other stains and you'll keep this on hand!

By Arachne
I truly have to give kudos to this product. I thought I was buying it since we recently brought home another rescue pet and welp; she's having a couple of "wee" issues. To my surprise though, while trimming dog nails the other day on our forest green carpet, I caught one of my dogs quicks and yep; we had some blood on the carpet. Of COURSE being a large baby Huey type dog, he took off and ran around the room and left spots of fresh blood with each step till I called him back and put cornstarch on his nail. Grabbed up this Resolve, gave it a spray and literally watched the stains vanish. WOW. I never expected it. Not that good. I'm sold. Hopefully, wont be accidently cutting my poor 100 pups nails too close (if he'd stay still that wouldnt have happened)...but good to know I finally found a product that does what it says its going to do!

i have always used resolve carpet and will always continue to use it because it really gets the job done. it makes my carpets smell nice and keeps them fresh of an pet odors. it always comes in handy when my dog has an accident on the carpet. i will continue to recommend it to my friends and family!

By Oliver
Fantastic stuff. I had a large party in my carpeted apartment literally the day I received this product. Guess what? I had to use it... four times. Guess what? It works, and really damn well too. I obviously freaked out when someone spilled a whole glass of RED WINE on my carpet, thinking my new apartment was doomed to a life of sullen crimson carpeting, red blinding my vision forever. But alas, no such (un)luck. I sprayed this stuff a few times over on the wine and rubbed it off just a few minutes later. Bam, gone, just like that! (I had a much larger red wine stain a week or so later that I stupidly let sit overnight before treating, and the Resolve didn't do much to clear that out, so don't let your stains sit whenever possible.) Imagine my joy, though, when my good friend Ben decided the carpet would be an excellent place to deposit his stomach's contents. Delightful. But Resolve saved the day once more. Thankfully I didn't have to deal with any chunks, but the liquid phase of the emission managed not to leave a single mark. You know what really made my night though? A COFFEE SPILL. FANTASTIC. I was furious, I was mad. I was ready to beat someone to a pulp over their sheer recklessness and lack of care for my fresh, white, NEW carpet. But I didn't have to. My Resolve Carpet Triple Oxi Advanced Carpet Stain Remover (what a name!) sat on the stain for all of 5 or so minutes before being scrubbed off cleanly. My carpet was white once more! Wow! All that and it couldn't handle a dirt stain, though. To be fair, the dirt was thick and stuck/rubbed in, and dirt stains are generally rather tough. Just beware that you might need stronger stuff (steam? carpet washer?) for stains that have significant physical components (things like dirt or peanut butter). All that aside, this is an incredible little bottle. It'll last a few weeks with really heavy use too. Totally, totally worth the money.

By Icy Y.
This is tough stuff. I had a housewarming in my apartment and after some drinking, people were knocking things over left and right. Of course, the soy sauce and hot sauce were the first to go down. It got on people's jackets and all over my new beige carpet. I had several minor heart attacks and then remembered I had a half bottle of Resolve (some spilled in transit but Amazon graciously took care of that). I sprayed some onto the carpet and let it soak for 1-2 minutes. The trick is to double up towels and then scrub away. The stains were gone instantly. Some guests even sprayed Resolve onto their jackets and poof, gone.

I do have to be honest here, I hate the smell. It can linger for days. Before the Resolve dries and after the stain is gone, add some water to the carpet to lighten the smell. Then when it starts drying, spray Febreze like there's no tomorrow.


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